Seeking Volunteers

Technology is redefining intimacy, restructuring the notion of "together", and erecting new boundaries, even as it erodes away the old. "Trust", "security", "intimacy", "public" and "private"- how we define and relate to these words has radically shifted in the past decade.

A study is being conducted in conjunction with Virginia Commonwealth University to investigate the effects of this shift by using technology to share the intimate space of the bed.

Currently seeking volunteers participants to use video-chatting technology to "spend the night" with the study host, then submit a 200 words or less written response to be based on two prompts.

Required equipment:
- computer with an internet connection
- some sort of web-able camera (webcam)
- video chat service account (gchat, skype, msn messenger, etc).

All participants will be anonymously video-recorded unless they choose to opt out. Participants who opt out of video-recording are still asked to submit a written response.

To volunteer a night, or for more information, please email-
sleeptogether (at)